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1000 Goddesses Gathering
& The Global Tree Grid

Global Tree
Love Day! 

A Unified Field
to Heal Our
Sacred Earth!

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Background Painting by Autumn Skye

                          - Permission Granted

The 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid is a project within the "Great Mother Love Way".
To learn more about our other projects and channeled messages including books of messages from Mother Gaia, the Trees and more  -  you are invited to explore our website.
The Great Mother &
The Global Tree Grid are calling us ... 

The 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 will be in
Co-Creative Partnership with
the Ancient Tree Grid
which circles our Sacred Earth.

All are invited to participate
at any level of Tree Loving-Up!


Photographer Unknown

“We are all One.”


~ Communication from a Silver Maple Tree

received by Gaia Mystic Mare Cromwell

We are living in Times of Dynamic Change and

Great Healing around our Sacred Earth. All are invited

to join in the Great Healing!



The 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid is an annual 

call to action to elevate the Luminous Love energetics

of our glorious planet to bring forth this healing. Gaia Mystic &

High Priestess Mare Cromwell of the "Great Mother Love Way" 

first received the call from Mother Gaia 

to organize this in 2015.

Historically, through a powerful Unified Field of individual

ceremonies held around the world, we have manifested beautiful

Divine Feminine healing energies within an activated spiritual grid 

to support all beings and help Birth our New Earth.

The Spiritual Invitation in 2024 is for all to join us in

Loving-Up the Standing Ones, the Tree People, and their realms.

We can do this in ceremony AND many other ways also. 

The intention is to enhance our Sacred Rapport with the Trees and

support all of them around our Sacred Earth. Our Unified Field of ceremonies and other beautiful tree-bonding efforts will be

woven together to manifest a Healing Web of Tree-Human Love around the world on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024. 

We are honoring the Tree realms as we could not exist 

without them. And cultures have been doing ceremony with

the Standing Ones for 1000's of years. We shall

build on these traditions.


For those doing ceremony, we shall invoke our

Spirit Teams to help us, and drum, dance, and celebrate

the Trees & our planetary Home in all the ways we can

- rooted to the heart of our Sacred Earth energetically!

For all who wish to participate in this Global Grid at any level,

the intention is to link our hearts with the trees around us

(with their permission), and pay homage to the deep connection

between the incredibly wise tree realms and the humans. 

The Overarching Mother Tree Council of our Sacred Earth

has informed Mare Cromwell that they are “Holding Space”

for all who hear the call to join us within this Unified Field on

November 2nd. And, the healing energies of the combined

Human ~ Tree heart bonding Unified Field will ripple out

across our glorious planet in significant ways. 

All who join are invited to affirm a heart-based intention 

to be in Gaia-Blessed Communion with the Standing Ones

and their realms, confirming our Oneness with all the

Sacred Seen & Unseen Ones around the world. This is to

help co-create the beautiful future which awaits us

beyond these times of extreme drama/trauma.


This annual global event is based upon a 

Tibetan prophecy that states that when 1000 Goddesses

or Buddhist Taras gather, the Divine Feminine will rebirth

through their combined energies, and the tone of our Sacred Planet

shall shift from Fear to Compassion.


The 2024 event builds on the

1000 Goddesses Gatherings & Global Grids

from 2016 - 2023.


Giant Grizzly Sequoia. Photo By Mike Murphy, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Trees and forests have played a significant role in

Buddhist life and practices over millennia.

Su Co Bao Co, the Abbess of Xa Loi, a Vietnamese Buddhist Temple

in Frederick, Maryland, will share about the Buddha’s teachings

on trees, and then guide us through a Metta meditation

of Loving-Kindness.


All who participate in this meditation will be encouraged to go outside

afterwards to carry the Loving-Kindness out to their local trees.


Please join us!


2024 MAP
(254 Ceremonies in 30 Nations in 2023!)

A Message from Scots Pine

to Dorothy Maclean (Co-Founder of Findhorn in Scotland)

"... I speak for my brothers in mentioning that contact with any of us, whenever there is opportunity, will be greatly welcome. We have so much to give humans, if they would only relax in us, and great healing powers is ours for you to turn to. We are guardians of the earth in many ways and humans should be part of what we guard ...


We are not active young things; we are, in a way, like a school of benevolent philosophers, with inhuman purity and a great wish to serve humanity. Trees are so vital to man and to life on this planet that some of us are eager to experience this new contact [with more humans]... "

Excerpt from "Call of the Trees" by Dorothy Maclean, p.10

Join us with the
Global Tree Grid
on Saturday, November 2nd!


(When registering, your sliding scale contribution

allows us to cover our organizing expenses.)


Source - Wikipedia

Fifteen percent of all registration income will go to supply & empower Indigenous Tribes in the Amazon who are protecting their territories from logging, coordinated by the "We Are Guardians"

documentary producers.

Source - Facebook

1000 Goddesses Gather
Tone-Poem by
Pamela Jane Gerrand

You don't have to participate in ceremony to support this auspicious Divine Feminine Spiritual Grid honoring the Sacred Global Tree Grid. Your tax-deductible 

CONTRIBUTION to the Great Mother Love Way 

helps us cover our significant organizing expenses also.

Learn More About the Background
& Vision of the "Global Tree Love Day!"

Sarah Chave Interviews Mare Cromwell

Leading Partners
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Partners (to date)
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SFMS Fire Logo Short Dark.png
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What is Goddess Spirituality?

Listen to Gaia Mystic & High Priestess (& Visionary behind the

1000 Goddesses Gathering) Mare Cromwell and Goddess Scholar Karen Tate

in a stimulating and rich dialogue about the Goddess energies bursting forth on our Sacred Earth. (Originally recorded on Jan 25th, 2024.)


These Sacred/Divine Feminine energies are so needed at this time given so many centuries of great imbalance and suffering and worse—on the part of humanity and Mother Gaia and all of her sacred ecosystems around the globe.

Highlights from the Gatherings on the Washington Mall
​& Global Grid from 2016-2023
HUGE, Huge gratitude to Claudia Olivos for permission to use her stunning Goddess images on our website! And to all the unknown photographers and artists whose photos of trees and
artwork grace this website. So much love to you,
amazing ones! xoxoxox

The 1000 Goddesses Gathering & 

The Global Tree Grid is a Project of

The Great Mother Love Way.

We are a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization

and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.

Tax ID: 88-0565458

GMLW.New logoRound.Larger.jpg

The Great Mother Love Way is in service to the

Great Mother immersing our Sacred Earth in ever-expanding Divine Love!  It creates programs and events to help humanity wake up to the truth that we are part of a sacred sentient Earth. Mother Gaia yearns for us to remember her and that her Love for us is tremendous. She is calling for us to come Home, and heal into our true place on the planet. ​

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